Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Rapture of Responsibility

Todays church wants to be raptured from responsibility ~ Leornard Ravenhill
This is a very interesting statement. As we see all throughout America that the church is dying. Satan has invaded the church throwing the prosperity gospel, with thoughts such as if God really loves me then (fill in the blank). The modern society of "Christians" are led astray with actions like "the bible never said don't drink, just don't get drunk," and "I'd die for my LORD, though I know He really doesn't want me to. What good am I to Him dead," and "I can dress however a please. Morality is all a matter of opinion." These quotes are not uncommon. These quotes are not fiction. These quotes I have taken from "Christians" whom I have talked to personally. So the entirety of the gospel is basically what they make it out to be. Which is a sin. It is called idolatry. The church of modern America seeks to make itself feel good. People don't like the hell-fire destruction preachers anymore. I know a pastor of Spiro, Oklahoma who was banned from his small, community baptist church for preaching a sermon on hell on evening. It was "too extreme. People don't like that." Yet the pastor stood his ground. He preached hell, and he preached the truth. We see this arising quickly throughout America. We see the "Christian" refuse responsibility for his/her actions. No one will help the poor anymore. It's not their problem. Let India save India, why should I go on my summer holiday in the heat and tire myself telling them about God. They're smart. They can do it. Do you see something here. Basically, the gospel of the American "Christian" is totally wrong. Think about it. Jesus died. He really died. He suffered. And America doesn't want to think about that. They don't want to hear about hell. They want His Sermon on "love thy neighbor as thyself" sort of stuff. Yet when it really comes down to it, they don't even do that command. So there are those who remain true to the faith. And all that I can say to them is if the whole world goes off into deception, that is no excuse for not following Christ. Ravenhill said once, "the world is not looking for a new definition of Christianity, they're looking for a new demonstration." Wouldn't that be nice. How do we fight this. For one we need to get back into the Word. Some women spend and hour every morning making themselves look nice for work and for others, but what great things do you think would happen if we spent that same amount of time in Christ? Second, is the world crucified to you, or does it fascinate you? Are you being drawn to the world and it's wicked ways, or are you saying "No, that is not what God calls me for. He has greater things for me. I will live for my LORD." Think about that. It comes down to the shows you watch, the way you dress, the places you go, the music you listen to. Do you love the world, or do you love Christ enough to ban yourself from the world.

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