Monday, February 6, 2012

What do I say to this

This is the word for word transcription of my world religions class at UAFS. It is accurate, as I wrote down every single word said as it was being spoken.

Him--student in front row
Other him--student in back row

To paint the opening picture, we were discussing science as it relates to religion.

Him: I know a fanatic preacher who claims that the world is only 6000 years old

Her: Wow, that's crazy. Why can't they just see the logic?

Him: So how do you explain dinosaur bones? They try to demonize everything. (He's referring to archeology and science)

Her: Right! And see, God created a rock that was 400o years old, but it came from millions of years ago.

(I wonder where she found that in scripture--wait! I forgot, she doesn't read it.)

Me: Huh? (Makes no sense)

Her: (She knows I'm a Christian) You have to say to yourself, 'I have to find a better way to make sense of things.' Unless it can be proven with imperial data it's not true. Science is what is used to prove everything, and it is irrational to believe that God created. It is just as irrational to use the Bible, considered a spiritual document, to prove anything in the physical world.

(Even though the Bible does prove science)

Me: O_o

Her: God is only a universal consciousness. It (notice the it, not Him) can be anything

She continues to randomly talk about people who pass out Bibles and gospel tracks, the Gideons, and street preacher's as being fanatical children of Satan.

Other him: Ya know, it takes courage and faith to believe that. But they're so close-minded.

(Mike Warnkey says "It's ok to be close minded because I'm right.")

Her: Right, and I'm not trying to destroy someone's faith (what on earth are you trying to do then, sheesh) I just know what is more true. Even though everything is true, others are more right.

Me: What?!

Her: Whatever is right for you is right for you. That's ok as long as you're happy. That is what is important. I knew I had a call from the divine to turn away from Christianity, and I am happy now where as I wouldn't have been had I not followed my calling.

(Stop right there--so she is saying that the source of all purpose and being is the happiness of man. Yet man is a sinful, fallen creature that only knows one thing and that is how to sin and hate God. Yet through God's grace and infinite mercy He brings us to Him and we learn to love Him and adore Him. Therefore the purpose of man is not to bring as much happiness as possible upon ourselves. How can that even be possible, because she says we a product of chance, how can a mere product of chance be designed to bring glory and to please himself)

Other him then goes on to talk about dualism relating to Christianity, and it being so absurd in today's society.

Her: Right, and 300 years ago Christianity would accept any religion. But now they can only accept Christ and that is what's wrong with them. That's how much it has changed from its true religious origin.

Ok, so when did true Christianity ever accept any other religion and any other God than the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ our salvation? When was Buddah taught in the local baptist church, or Shiva, or Parvati, of Vishnu, or Devi?

So what do I say to this? I say that Jesus Christ is my LORD and that there is only one true God, and he is infinite and powerful, and fearful, and who ever believes otherwise is destined for a grim end, and before spouting junk about why Christianity is wrong you should read your Bible and see what true Christianity is according to the scripture transcribed by God, not written by the top atheist author of the year ( where she gets most of her information)

Any other thoughts? I could use some encouragement also incase anyone wants to pray for me or send me some encouraging words.